5 Reasons Why Cat Not Eating After Convenia Injection 

21 Min Read

So your furry friend has been refusing their kibble ever since getting that Convenia injection from the vet, huh? You’re certainly not alone in that struggle; it’s a very common issue cat parents deal with. While it is frustrating to see their food bowl not empty, try not to worry too much just yet. More often than not, it’s simply their body’s way of dealing with the changes happening inside.

As anyone with a feline companion knows, they can be sensitive little souls. So it makes sense that the stresses of illness, medication, and medical procedures might upset their delicate tummies at first. In most cases, as long as we provide our kitties with some extra TLC and patience, their appetites will return before long. Still, it’s always wise to be aware of signs that more serious issues could be developing.

In this post, I’ll explore five of the primary reasons cats frequently lose interest in noshing after antibiotic injections, like Convenia. We’ll look at nausea, food aversions, pain responses, fevers, and potential side effects to watch for. I’ll also share some soothing strategies for nurturing appetite and overall comfort during recovery. With a bit of care and understanding, you and your furchild can get through this rough patch just fine. Let’s dig in!

5 Reasons Why Cat not eating after convenia injection 


Nausea is often the big appetite-zapping culprit after medications are introduced to a cat’s system. Their tummy just doesn’t feel up for chewing and swallowing when it’s doing somersaults. Which is totally understandable—who feels like eating when queasiness strikes?

Due to the lengthy duration that Convenia releases antibiotics over a couple weeks, it has a higher potential than shot-term drugs to cause gastrointestinal (GI) upset. Your cat was also likely administered it because of an underlying illness in the first place. Between the injection and the original health complaint, it’s no surprise their stomachs growled “no more” for a bit.

The good news is that, with a little extra help, nausea should steadily fade within a few days. I’d start with a bland diet of boiled chicken, fish, or cottage cheese—easy on their digestion but still nutritious. Warm it up too; aroma and temperature can work wonders at coaxing the appetite. Also, ask your vet about an over-the-counter or prescription antacid in case acid reflux is worsening the unease.

Focus on small, frequent feedings rather than big meals, so consumption isn’t overwhelming. Even a lick or two is better than nothing. With rest and some basic TLC, your furry patient’s tummy turmoil should taper off before long, and they’ll be scarfing kibble again like normal. Just be sure to contact your vet promptly if signs of distress or weight loss persist despite these home remedies. With support, they’ll get past this nausea nuisance in no time!

Food Aversions

It doesn’t take much for our feline friends to develop strong dislikes or even fears around certain flavors. One disagreeable dining experience can swiftly imprint that “never again!” mindset. And once induced, these food aversions can prove remarkably stubborn to shake. No doubt you’re growing exasperated and coaxing Fluffy back to her bowl, but rest assured, you aren’t alone in this quandary. With care and creativity, it is possible to redirect even the pickiest of palates.

Cats process tastes and smells in a super sensitive manner, so it doesn’t take prolonged nausea to cement avoidant attitudes. Because their bodies utilize scent as richly as their beautiful eyes see, one regrettable regurgitation is burned in their brain like a noxious note. We big humans might grumble yet soon forget an upset tummy from Thai takeout Tuesday. But for cats, that trauma translates to a lifelong ban on all pad Thai.

So trust that poor Fluffy Bear isn’t being purposely persnickety; her formerly favored flavors now flood her with frightful memories instead. It’s our job as doting owners to dismantle those dread associations and develop new dietary delights. First, keep calm and confident that this too will pass with persistence and patience. Anxious attempts will read on her radar like accusations, “Eat up, you fussy feline!” Instead, maintain a mellow mood.

Experiment with novel proteins prepared in freshly fascinating formats. Maybe turkey slices rolled creatively or cooked cod flaked funkily will spark curiosity where kibble once killed it. Scents similar yet varying provide vibrancy without toxicity’s remnants. Enhance each culinary craft with a sprinkle of spoiled-for-choice catnip or a dollop of divine deli meat to entice without enforcement. Flavored fish oils or broths bolstered with supplements ensure nutrition amidst neophobia.

Try temptations timidly at first, allowing the option to opt out without orders or critique. Low pressure shows this is a learning lounge, not an interrogation. In time and with your trusty touchstone TLC, what once repulsed will rediscover relish anew. Though patience proves paramount in culinary comebacks, with creativity and care, even the choosiest cat can reclaim her ravenous reputation. Fluffy will feast fabulously once more, thanks to your faithful efforts in deciphering her dining dilemmas. The reward of her renewed relish makes any challenges well worth the while.


Even the fiercest of feline hunters aren’t immune to those days when aches overshadow all appetite. As any cat parent knows, attempts at affection are admirably avoided when discomfort reigns. So it comes as no surprise that the aftermath of medical procedures like Fluffy’s injection may induce a brief period of pain-prompted fasting.

Our furry friends experience sensation even more intensely than humans, so it’s no wonder a throbbing paw or sensitive site could readily reduce relish for regular rations. Their instincts implore them to avoid anything exacerbating that agony, food included. On the flip side of this, prey drive demands sustenance, leaving them locked in an unpleasant predicament indeed.

For Fluffy, a source of pain could stem directly from her treatment area or represent an underlying complaint the drugs aimed to address. In either case, addressing this distress with compassion is key to her recovery. Ask your vet about short-term painkillers during symptom spikes if over-the-counters haven’t provided pause for peskiness. Applying localized warmth or gentle massage may also alleviate minor aches.

Meanwhile, offering small chilled snacks could circumvent chomping troubles in the interim. Think soft, soothing foods like cooked fish flaked into bits, bits of a boiled egg, or slices of avocado. The appeal of creamy textures may tempt where kibble intimidates. Providing prey-like play through feather toys or simulated hunting can meet mental needs when munching wanes.

Most importantly, simply tarry with your tenderhearted tabby during trying times. Your trusted touch conveys comfort’s continuity where captions can’t. Understand that reluctance to romp may represent real hurt rather than fussiness alone. With attentiveness like this, agony will pass and appetite will reappear with time.

Feline Fever

For cats, fever often signifies more than a mere temperature spike. Due to their sensitive systems, even low-grade warmth can transform their typical vivacity into drooping dishes of listlessness. And when energy levels ebb, it’s no surprise sustenance slips their mind too. While disheartening to see your usually ravenous feline flatly forfeit their food, fret not—with TLC, their hearty habits will return.

For now, focus assists in reducing the heat causing such hampered hunger. Ensure access to cool climates away from drafts yet free from stuffy suffocation too. Sponging lukewarm water may relieve radiating regions, but refrain from chilling to prevent shivering’s stress. Monitoring with a temporal thermometer allows discerning medical necessity while avoiding undue upset at unaffected levels.

Should the numbers needle over 102°F, inform your vet immediately. Underlying infections demand discernment to deliver definitive care. Until then, ice chips present hydration harmlessly while calming thirst. Iced, pureed pumpkin or yogurt soothes tummies yet sustains them with nourishing nutrients forgone from fasts. Brushing with bitter apple spray averts licks yet leaves fur faintly fragrant, easing unpleasant prickles pets are prone to when unwell.

Activity-wise, aim ambling yet avoid additional duress. Gentle games distract while keeping them cozy. Reading aloud or listening to relaxing music releases endorphins, easing the edginess of an emerging illness. Massages melt muscle tension, while neck nuzzles reinforce your reassuring nearness, which is now needed most. With such focused fondness, fury of fever will flit, forgiving a flushed friend to feast anew wonderfully well! Your devoted devotion makes mending most meaningful for your sensitive soul.

Potential Convenia Side Effects

While medications aim to heal, all hold possibility for producing peculiar problems,ass any animal advocate knows! As intelligent pet parents, we vigilantly vet potential precipitated issues while maintaining mellow behavior. Though side effects seem saddening, compassion calms where concern grows. For now, let’s explore explanations and remedies when reactions rearrange their regular role.

Gastrointestinal griefs garner the greatest grievances post-Convenia. Upset and tumblterms causeerms tummy troubles tenfold! Should squirming or soft-serve stool surfaces occur, contact your care provider promptly. Options exist for alleviating agony while avoiding anything antagonistic. Warm ginger or fennel tea tempts, sipping softly, while peppermint or chamomile soothe those troubled tracts. Bone broth also bolsters when bowels act badly yet ban blander choices until passing passes peacefully.

Rarer yet reported reactions involve rashes or itchiness surfacing at the injection site. Should such skin sensitivity stir, disclose it at the next appointment. Antihistamines prescribed properly preclude poor prognosis through puffy patches passing promptly. For milder manifestations, oatmeal or aloe vera aid in avoiding scratching’s spread. Either way, remain reassured—with rightful rest, such surface signs seem sure to settle shortly. 

While side effects seem sad, stay cheery, knowing skilled staff stand stalwart, suggesting solutions swiftly. Your devoted doting delivers devoted defense, too! Pester, not poor puss with pestering questions, yet power through with pampering patience. Preparing preferred palate pleasures pens positives, preventing further funk. Soon, such superficial stresses will simply seem like similes of more surmounting solidarity shared in subsequent seasons. Courage, friend—with perseverance comes prospering progress, emerging stronger still!

Tips for Tempting the Temperamental Palate

Once causes are addressed, rising ravenousness ranks among those returning to regular routines. While patience proves paramount, pragmatic plans nourish it now too. Some suggestions smooth sailing this shared shift:

Start subtle. Small sincere samples spaced sensibly sway steadfast snubs. Slivers or tablespoons leave lurking likeliness to loathe yet lessen looking lugubrious if left. Lick here, lick there, builds believing better belly now.

Scent successes – aroma allures where eyes avoid. Warming wins whereas wintry wares wane appetites.  Microwave morsels minutes, permitting pleasing puffs prompt piercing peeks previously postponed.

Spice selection. Safe seasonings soothe as salt sates yet stimulates. Sprinkle sleek savories sparingly like salmon or sardine oils, chicken or fish flavor. Respect refusal – some finds fare fabulously yet others fuss further.

Seduce tastebuds tenderly. Tweezers tidy tidbits, encouraging exploring without expectation. Let instincts initiate intake, avoiding forcing further if favoring food foreseeably futile. Some souls simply sense when situations surmount stress loads, lowering likelihood lunging lately.

Remember recovery remains roundabout, requiring realistic routines rebuilt gradually. Rushing resumption risks relapse. Respect their rhythm; readiness returns on their rules. Meanwhile, demonstrate dedicated devotion daily. Your patience proves paramount in their progress, partner. Persevere – you’ve got this.

When Will My Baby’s Appetite Return?

After any illness or medical intervention, it’s natural to worry about when normal habits will resume. With cats, regaining relish for regular rations remains relative to the individual. While most make meaningful moves towards meals within a mere few days, complete recovery may take closer to a couple of calibrating weeks.

Rather than focused on timelines, favor focusing fondness. Mend physical factors first by verifying infection’s defeat, discomfort’s dissolution and digestive distress details discussed with your veterinarian. Emotional elements embrace empathy, not expectations of immediate intake, allowing relaxation into regular rhythms gradually.

Keep encouraging through preferred palate pleasures presented peaceably. But avoid pressuring, permitting periods simply playing or dozing without dining dilemmas. Digestion demands downtime too after days distressed. Readiness returns at its own pace.

Most importantly, recognize resilience – our feline friends naturally nourish when needs necessitate. Trust biological imperatives ultimately guide renewed relish, however briefly appetite wavers previously. Your patience and support sustain sincerely; simply stay by their side to soothe any sorrows. Soon this chapter closes, with strengthened bond beyond all doubt the best reward.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cats Losing Their Appetite

Now that we’ve covered some of the most common causes behind a cat’s refusal to eat, here are brief answers to a few additional questions owners may have:

How long does it usually take for appetite to fully return?

This can vary but most cats will start eating at least small amounts within 3-5 days. It may take 1-2 weeks for their eating to fully get back to normal, so be patient.

Should I free-feed or stick to meals?

During recovery, it’s best to offer smaller, more frequent meals rather than leaving food out all day. This makes sure they are getting enough nourishment without feeling overwhelmed.

Is It okay to supplement with wet food?

Yes, introducing canned food or cooked meats can entice them to eat a little more easily digested protein and calories. Check with your vet but this is fine for short term enticement.

When should I call the vet?

Contact them if appetite loss exceeds 5-7 days despite home remedies, or if your cat seems lethargic/depressed or losing weight noticeably. They may need additional care. Sudden onset or worsening symptoms also warrant a call.

Can I syringe feed liquids if needed?

Yes, syringe feeding small amounts of calorie-dense liquids like broth, pedialyte or recovery diets can help prevent dehydration during severe cases of loss of appetite. But get guidance from your vet first.

My cat is normally active, but is now lethargic after antibiotics. Is this normal?

Some lethargy can be normal within the first 3-5 days as the body adjusts. But call your vet if it’s severe, accompanied by loss of appetite, or lasts over a week.

The Injection site is still swollen/red. What should I do?

Apply a warm compress 2-3 times daily. Call vet if swelling increases, or if your cat is licking/biting excessively at the site.

The vet gave injections/pills but my cat won’t let me administer. Any tips?

Try distraction/treat methods. Cover pills in food/pâté. Squirt liquid meds in very back of mouth while holding muzzle closed. Contact vet if refusing all methods.

My cat has diarrhea after antibiotics. How long before it resolves?

Most resolve in 3-7 days. Call vet if your cat seems uncomfortable, dehydrated, or diarrhea lasts over 5 days despite diet changes. A probiotic supplement may help.

When is it safe for indoor/outdoor cats to go back outside?

Wait until any wound is fully healed and your vet gives the okay, usually 5-7 days after final antibiotic dose. Monitor stamina too after illness.

What precautions do I need to take when my cat finishes antibiotics?

Store unused meds safely. Tell new vets about recent treatments. Watch for symptoms returning – contact vet immediately at any sign. And give your vet tech lots of treats!

A Bright Future, Fueled by Faith

To any owner anxiously awaiting their furry friend’s full recovery, try taking heart from how far you’ve already come together. Though days felt dreary with diminished dining, your devoted care made all the difference. And look – flickers of former feast now reemerge each meal more meaningfully than the last.

While it’s natural to linger in the past pains of this process, instead shift sight towards the smooth sailing soon to be. Renewed relish returns; there simply exist seasons when solace proves sweeter than servings. Keep stalwart faith that your faithfulness fosters flourishing health to be fully enjoyed.

In time, even the memory of this bout will fade, superseded by sunny scenes of your furry family member’s fabulous future. Playful pestering for preferred proteins, purrs over pleasing plates – such moments moreish makeup for when musings maligned meals. All storms shall pass, leaving land much like it was, yet land and people transformed and strengthened too.

Take heart, caring caregiver. Your compassion carried them this far; trust too it transports farther still into thriving times together once more. Each positive step solidifies bonds unbroken. Now turn eyes ahead towards adventures yet awaiting – the brightest are surely yet to be revealed!

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