Can Cats Eat Funyuns?

9 Min Read

Cats have a reputation for being curious creatures, often showing interest in human food. As a cat owner, it’s natural to wonder if your feline friend can indulge in some of your favorite snacks, such as Funyuns. Funyuns are a popular brand of onion-flavored corn snacks enjoyed by many. However, when it comes to cats and their dietary needs, certain human foods can pose health risks. In this article, we will explore whether Funyuns are safe for cats to consume, the potential dangers they may present, and alternative treats that are more suitable for feline companions.

What Are Funyuns?

Funyuns are a brand of onion-flavored corn snacks that are popular in many countries, particularly in the United States. They are made from a combination of cornmeal, onion powder, and various seasonings. Funyuns have a distinctive ring shape and a crunchy texture.

The flavor of Funyuns is predominantly onion, aiming to provide a savory and tangy taste similar to eating fried onions. While they may resemble traditional onion rings, it’s important to note that Funyuns are a processed snack food rather than a fresh or cooked vegetable.

Funyuns are produced by Frito-Lay, a subsidiary of PepsiCo, and are widely available in grocery stores, convenience stores, and snack vending machines. They have gained popularity for their unique flavor and crispy texture, appealing to individuals who enjoy onion-flavored snacks.

Can Cats Eat Funyuns?

No, cats should not eat Funyuns or any onion-flavored snacks. Funyuns contain onion powder, which is toxic to cats. Onions, in any form, can cause damage to a cat’s red blood cells and lead to anemia and other health issues. Even small amounts of onions can be harmful to cats, so it is best to avoid giving them Funyuns or any human snacks that contain onion powder. It is important to prioritize a cat’s health and provide them with a balanced and appropriate diet that meets their specific nutritional needs. If you have any doubts or concerns about your cat’s diet, it is always recommended to consult with a veterinarian for guidance.

The Risks of Onions for Cats

Funyuns, as their name suggests, are onion-flavored snacks. Onions, whether in their raw, cooked, or powdered form, are known to be toxic to cats. Onions contain compounds called disulfides and thiosulphates that can damage a cat’s red blood cells, leading to a condition called Heinz body anemia. This can cause symptoms such as weakness, lethargy, pale gums, vomiting, and a reduced appetite.

Even small amounts of onions can be dangerous for cats, and Funyuns, despite being a snack food, contain onion powder. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid giving Funyuns or any onion-flavored snacks to your cat.

Potential Dangers of Funyuns for Cats

Apart from the presence of onion powder, Funyuns also contain other ingredients that are not ideal for feline consumption. These snacks are typically high in sodium, which can lead to dehydration and kidney problems in cats. The excessive salt content may also result in an upset stomach, increased thirst, or even electrolyte imbalances.

Additionally, Funyuns are processed snacks that are high in unhealthy fats and carbohydrates, which are not suitable for a cat’s diet. Cats require a balanced diet that includes high-quality protein, moderate fat, and minimal carbohydrates. Feeding them snacks like Funyuns can lead to weight gain, obesity, and other related health issues.

Alternative Treats for Cats

While it’s clear that Funyuns are not safe for cats, there are plenty of alternative treats that you can offer your feline companion. When selecting treats, it’s essential to choose options specifically formulated for cats. These treats are typically made with quality ingredients that meet their nutritional needs without compromising their health.

Consider treats made from high-quality animal protein sources, such as freeze-dried chicken or salmon, which provide a nutritious and flavorful option for your cat. You can also offer small pieces of cooked, unseasoned chicken or turkey as a treat. Additionally, there are commercially available cat treats that are specifically designed to promote dental health, such as dental chews or treats that help reduce tartar buildup.

Remember, moderation is key when offering treats to your cat. Treats should only constitute a small portion of their overall diet, and it’s important to consider their calorie intake to prevent weight gain.


Can I give my cat Funyuns as a one-time treat?

It is not recommended to give your cat Funyuns or any onion-flavored snacks, even as a one-time treat. The presence of onion powder and other unhealthy ingredients can have negative effects on your cat’s health. It’s best to choose safe and cat-friendly treats that meet their nutritional needs without risking their well-being.

Are there any specific dangers of Funyuns for kittens?

Kittens have developing immune systems and delicate digestive systems, making them more susceptible to the negative effects of certain foods. Funyuns, with their high sodium and unhealthy fat content, are not suitable for kittens. Additionally, the presence of onion powder can be particularly harmful to their young bodies. It’s crucial to provide kittens with a balanced and appropriate diet that supports their growth and development, so it’s best to avoid giving them Funyuns or any human snacks.

Can cats have any type of onion without adverse effects?

No, it is best to completely avoid all types of onion, including onion powder, in a cat’s diet. All forms of onions contain compounds that are toxic to cats and can cause anemia and other health issues. Whether it’s raw, cooked, powdered, or even in small amounts, onions should not be given to cats.

What should I do if my cat accidentally eats Funyuns or onion-flavored snacks?

If you suspect that your cat has consumed Funyuns or any onion-flavored snacks, it’s essential to monitor them closely for any signs of onion toxicity. Symptoms may include weakness, lethargy, pale gums, vomiting, and a reduced appetite. Contact your veterinarian immediately for guidance. They may recommend inducing vomiting or providing supportive care, depending on the quantity of onions consumed and the severity of symptoms.

Can I share any other common snacks with my cat?

While there are some human foods that cats can safely enjoy in moderation, it’s important to choose them carefully. Some safe options include small pieces of cooked, unseasoned chicken or turkey, plain cooked fish (without bones and seasoning), or freeze-dried meat treats specifically formulated for cats. However, always remember that treats should only constitute a small portion of your cat’s overall diet, and it’s crucial to prioritize their specific nutritional needs.


In conclusion, it is not safe for cats to eat Funyuns or any onion-flavored snacks. The presence of onion powder and other unhealthy ingredients can pose significant risks to a cat’s health, ranging from anemia to kidney problems. As responsible pet owners, we should prioritize our cats’ well-being by providing them with a balanced and species-appropriate diet.

When it comes to treating our feline friends, it’s crucial to opt for cat-specific treats that are formulated to meet their nutritional requirements. There are numerous healthy and safe options available that can satisfy your cat’s desire for something tasty without compromising their health. Always consult with a veterinarian for specific dietary advice and guidance tailored to your cat’s individual needs.

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