How To Crush Dry Cat Food?

7 Min Read

If you’re here, chances are you’re a cat owner looking for tips on how to crush dry cat food. Maybe your cat is a picky eater, has dental issues, or is just plain stubborn. Whatever the case, you’re in the right place. This guide is packed with creative, easy-to-follow tips that’ll make feeding your feline friend a breeze.

Why Crush Dry Cat Food?

Cats and Their Quirks

Cats are known for their quirks. Sometimes, they turn their noses up at dry food, preferring something softer or more flavorful. Crushing dry food can make it easier for them to eat and digest, and it can also help mix in other flavors that they might enjoy.

Dental Issues

Older cats or those with dental problems might struggle with hard kibble. Crushing it into smaller pieces or even a powder can help them get the nutrition they need without the struggle.

Picky Eaters

Let’s face it, some cats are just fussy. Crushing dry food and mixing it with something they like can make mealtime more appealing.

How to Crush Dry Cat Food

The Rolling Pin Method

One of the simplest ways to crush dry cat food is with a rolling pin. Here’s how:

  • Bag it Up: Put the dry food in a resealable plastic bag. This keeps things tidy and prevents the food from flying everywhere.
  • Roll and Crush: Use a rolling pin to crush the food. Roll over the bag, applying enough pressure to break the kibble into smaller pieces. Keep rolling until you get the desired consistency.

The Blender Method

If you need a finer consistency or have a large batch to crush, a blender can be a great tool.

  • Pour the Food: Place the dry cat food in the blender.
  • Blend: Pulse the blender until the food reaches the desired consistency. Be careful not to overdo it and turn it into powder, unless that’s what you’re aiming for.

The Mortar and Pestle Method

For those who prefer a more hands-on approach, a mortar and pestle can be effective.

  • Add Food: Put a small amount of dry cat food in the mortar.
  • Crush: Use the pestle to crush the food into smaller pieces. This method gives you great control over the texture.

Enhancing Crushed Dry Cat Food

Adding Moisture

Crushed dry food can be a bit dry and unappealing on its own. Here are some ideas to add moisture and flavor:

  • Broth: Add a splash of chicken or beef broth. Make sure it’s low-sodium and free of onions or garlic, which are harmful to cats.
  • Water: Simple and effective. Just add a bit of water to make the food softer.
  • Wet Food: Mix the crushed dry food with a bit of wet food. This adds flavor and makes the meal more enticing.

Nutritional Boosts

Crushing dry food gives you an opportunity to mix in other nutritious elements:

  • Kitten Formula: If your cat needs extra calories or nutrients, mix in some kitten formula.
  • Supplements: Consider adding cat-safe supplements like fish oil for a healthy coat or glucosamine for joint health.

Serving Crushed Dry Cat Food

Make it Fun

Cats can be finicky, but making mealtime fun can help. Try creating a “cat buffet” with a few different flavors or textures. Let your cat choose what they like best. This can make mealtime more engaging and help you figure out their preferences.

Consistency is Key

Stick to a routine. Cats are creatures of habit and appreciate consistency. Serve their food at the same times each day and in the same spot. This can reduce anxiety and make them more likely to eat.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Over Crushing

While it might be tempting to crush the food into a fine powder, especially for cats with dental issues, it’s important to maintain some texture. Too fine a consistency can lead to your cat inhaling the food, which can cause coughing or choking.

Using Inappropriate Liquids

When adding moisture, avoid using anything with high salt content or ingredients that are toxic to cats, like onions or garlic. Stick to water, cat-safe broths, or specific pet-friendly products.


My Cat Still Won’t Eat

If you’ve tried crushing the food and adding moisture and your cat still isn’t interested, consider the following:

  • Flavor: Try different flavors of dry food. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of finding the right taste.
  • Health Check: If your cat consistently refuses food, it might be time for a vet visit to rule out any underlying health issues.
  • Patience: Sometimes, cats just need time to adjust. Keep offering the food in different ways and be patient.

The Food Gets Too Soft

If you find the food too mushy, try adding less liquid or mixing in a bit of uncrushed kibble for added texture.


Crushing dry cat food can be a game-changer for many cat owners. Whether your cat has dental issues, is a picky eater, or just prefers softer food, these methods can help make mealtime more enjoyable for them and less stressful for you. Remember, every cat is different, so it might take some trial and error to find what works best for your furry friend. Stick with it, and you’ll likely find a solution that keeps your cat happy and healthy.

Happy feeding!

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